Dr. Liina Tõnisson
Leibniz-Institut für
Troposphärenforschung e.V.
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 2717-7383
Mail: liina.tonisson@tropos.de
Raum: 206 (Geb. 23.1)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Atmosphärische Mikrophysik
“From transfer to knowledge co-production: a novel research set-up for sustainability studies: a transdisciplinary approach to reduce Black Carbon emissions in Metro Manila, Philippines” Liina Tonisson, Yvonne Kunz, Simonas Kecorius, Leizel Madueno, Qi Zhao, Everlyn Gayle Tamayo, Dang Marviluz Casanova, Tamara Schikowski, Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Alfred Wiedensohler, Andreas Macke (2020) Sustainability 2020, 12(23), 10043; https://doi.org/10.3390/su122310043
“Assessing the spatio-temporal distribution of urban Air pollutants – An integrated system based on crowdsensing with mobile sensors and multi-scale modelling” Bernd Heinold, Denise Assmann, Ralf Käthner, Oswald Knoth, Andreas Macke, Thomas Müller, Liina Tõnisson, Jens Voigtländer, Michael Weger, Ralf Wolke (2020) Speech at 12th International Conference on Air Quality, Thessaloniki/Greece, May 18 – 22, 2020.
„Mobile Messungen und Modellierung der Luftqualität in Leipzig, Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Dessau/Germany“ Bernd Heinold, Denise Assmann, Ralf Käthner, Marcel Koenig, Oswald Knoth, Marie Luttkus, Andreas Macke, Thomas Müller, Ina Tegen, Liina Tõnisson, Jens Voigtländer, Michael Weger, Ralf Wolke (2020) Projektvorstellung WTimpact UBA February 20, 2020.
“High-resolution air-quality modeling in urban areas – A case study for the City of Leipzig” Bernd Heinold, Michael Weger, Oswald Knoth, Ralf Schrödner, Thomas Müller, Liina Tõnisson (2019) Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham., in press.
“Estimation of Equivalent Black Carbon Spatial Distribution in WTimpact” Liina Tonisson, Oswald Knoth, Thomas Müller, Leizel Madueño (2018) Conference: International workshop of the project Smart Air Quality Network funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Maicher L., Mjos K.D., Tonisson L. (2018) Intervention Opportunities for Capacity Building in Technology Transfer. In: Granieri M., Basso A. (eds) Capacity Building in Technology Transfer. SxI - Springer for Innovation / SxI - Springer per l'Innovazione, vol 14. Springer, Cham Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-91461-9_3
Tonisson, L., Jha, P., Siil, T., Maicher, L., Bartsch, F., Prilop, M. “Digital IPR-related Services in Open Innovation Paradigm” Scientific Proceedings of the 2017 UIIN Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2017. Link
Tonisson, L. “A Comprehensive Classification of Business Activities in the Market of Intellectual Property Rights-related Services” Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, 2017. Link
Tonisson, Liina; Millien, Raymond and Lutz Maicher. Shortcomings on the Market for Intellectual Property. Working Paper 1/2016. Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy. Leipzig, 2016. Link
Tonisson, Liina and Lutz Maicher (2015). Clean Technology Industry: Relevance of Patents and Related Service Providers. In: Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 263-286. Link
Dr. Lutz Maicher, Head and Liina Tonisson, Researcher, Innovative Transfer Systems Fraunhofer MOEZ, Leipzig, Germany (2014): How to find the right IP expert for you?
Prilop, M.,Tonisson, L., Maicher, L. (2013): Designing Analytical Approaches for Interactive Competitive Intelligence IN: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) Volume 4, Issue 2. 12 pages. Link
Bartsch, F.; Prilop, M.; Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.: How e-humanities help to save the world – the case of the IP industry base. Presentation at the 2012 Leipzig eHumanities Seminar.
Prilop, M.; Tonisson, L.; Maicher, L.: Service profiling - a method for data-driven competitive intelligence in service industries. In: Meyer, K.; Abdelkafi, N. (Eds.): Smart Services and Service Science - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Services Science, Leipzig (Germany), September 25, 2012, Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik, Band 36, LIV/InfAI, Leipzig. ISBN: 978-3-941608-23-8. Link
Bader, M., Gassmann,O., Jha, P., Liegler, F., Maicher, L., Posselt, T., Preissler, S., Ruether, F.,Tonisson, L., Wabra, S. (2012): Creating an organised IP rights market. Intellectual Asset Management July/August 2012. Link
Tonisson, L., Maicher, L. (2012): Patents, their importance and valuation methods. Fraunhofer MOEZ Working Paper, issue 1/2012.
Ding, Fei, Kinh, Bui Duc, Tonisson, Liina, Mao, Limin, Ohya, Shohei (2012): Green Energy development and technology transfer in China and India. Journal of International Development and Cooperation. Vol. 19, No.2.pp.13-24. Link