Andrea Cuesta-Mosquera
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 2717 7397
Email: cuesta[at]tropos.de
Room: 213 (23.1)
PhD student
Department Atmospheric Microphysics
Working group
Tropospheric Aerosols
Research areas and interests
- Atmospheric aerosols: physics and optical properties
- Atmospheric aerosols field monitoring
- Black carbon and brown carbon
- Air pollution & environmental data analysis
- Orientierende Erfassung von Black Carbon (BC) in Deutschland und Identifikation relevanter Quellen mit Chemie-Transport-Modellen
- Zusatzbelastung aus Holzheizungen. Vergabe-Nummer Z 255/18, Az.: 1-0452/147/49
- Cuesta-Mosquera, A., Mocnik, G., Drinovec, L., Müller, T., Pfeifer, S., Minguillon, M. C., Briel, B., Buckley, P., Dudoitis, V., Fernández-García, J., Fernandez-Amado, M., De Brito, J. F., Riffault, V., Flentje, H., Heffernan, E., Kalivitis, N., Kalogridis, A. C., Keernik, H., Marmureanu, L., Luoma, K., Marinoni, A., Pikridas, M., Schauer, G., Serfozo, N., Servomaa, H., Titos, G., Yus-Diez, J., Zioła, N. and Wiedensohler, A.: Intercomparison and characterization of 23 Aethalometers under laboratory and ambient air conditions: Procedures and unit-to-unit variabilities, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14(4), 3195–3216, doi:10.5194/amt-14-3195-2021, 2021.
- Cuesta-Mosquera, A. P., Wahl, M., Acosta-López, J. G., García-Reynoso, J. A. and Aristizábal-Zuluaga, B. H.: Mixing layer height and slope wind oscillation: Factors that control ambient air SO2 in a tropical mountain city, Sustain. Cities Soc., 52(May 2019), 101852, doi:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101852, 2020.
- Cuesta-Mosquera, A. P., González-Duque, C. M., Velasco-García, M. and Aristizabal, B. H.: Distribución espacial de concentraciones de SO2, NOx y O3 en el aire ambiente de Manizales, Rev. Int. Contam. Ambie., 34(3), 489–504, doi:10.20937/RICA.2018.34.03.11, 2018.
Curriculum vitae
Academic qualifications
Time | Title | Institution |
2008-2013 | B.Eng. Chemical Engineering | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia |
2015-2017 | M.Sc. Chemical Engineering (specialization in Environmental Sciences) | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia |
2019- | Ph.D. student | TROPOS, Germany |
Internships and teaching experience
Time | Title | Institution |
09.2012 – 08.2013 | Undergraduate exchange | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen, France |
02.2013 – 07.2013 | Professional internship. Activities: update and centralization of mass and energy balances of the industrial processes | ARKEMA, France |
08.2016 – 10.2016 | Research internship. Modelling and mineralogical analysis of SO2 and PM volcanic emissions | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México |
08.2017 – 11.2017 | Adjunct professor. Department of Chemical Engineering. Lecture: Separation Processes in Chemical Engineering – Undergraduate, 6 h/week | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia |
Research grants
Time | Title | Institution |
2014-2015 | Jóvenes Investigadores e Innovadores de Colciencias - Convocatoria 617 de 2013. Project: Study of the impact of volcanic fluid emissions in the air quality. | COLCIENCIAS, Colombia |
2016-2017 | Jóvenes Investigadores e Innovadores de Colciencias - Convocatoria 706 de 2015. Project: Assessment of the emission and dispersion of SO2 emitted by the Nevado del Ruiz volcano - Active and passive monitoring techniques. | COLCIENCIAS, Colombia |
- Spanish: Native
- English: Advanced
- French: Advanced
- German: Basic