Tethered balloon-borne observations of thermal-infrared irradiance and cooling rate profiles in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer
Tethered balloon measurements reveal enhanced aerosol occurrence aloft interacting with Arctic low-level clouds
Overview: Quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations - introduction and initial results of the HALO–(AC)3 aircraft campaign
Energy Dissipation Rate calculation algorithm for tethered balloon-borne turbulence observations during MOSAiC Legs 1, 2, and 3 (Zenodo)
Evaluation of methods to determine the surface mixing layer height of the atmospheric boundary layer in the central Arctic during polar night and transition to polar day in cloudless and cloudy conditions
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of turbulence during the MOSAiC expedition from December 2019 to May 2020 [dataset]
Tethered balloon-borne turbulence measurements in winter and spring during the MOSAiC expedition
Estimating turbulent energy flux vertical profiles from uncrewed aircraft system measurements: Exemplary results for the MOSAiC campaign
The role of a low-level jet for stirring the stable atmospheric surface layer in the Arctic
Profile observations of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer with the BELUGA tethered balloon during MOSAiC
Atmospheric and surface processes, and feedback mechanisms determining arctic amplification: A review of first results and prospects of the (AC)3 Project
Energy dissipation rate profiles derived from tethered balloon-borne measurements during the MOSAiC expedition from December 2019 to May 2020 [dataset]
Tethered balloon-borne profile measurements of atmospheric properties in the cloudy atmospheric boundary layer over the Arctic sea ice during MOSAiC: Overview and first results
Vertical aerosol particle exchange in the marine boundary layer estimated from helicopter-borne measurements in the Azores region
CAMP: An instrumented platform for balloon-borne aerosol particle studies in the lower atmosphere
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of aerosol particle microphysics during the MOSAiC expedition from June to July 2020. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of meteorological parameters during MOSAiC leg 4 in June and July 2020 [dataset]
Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere
Detecting nonequilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of turbulence during the MOSAiC expedition from December 2019 to May 2020 [dataset]
Measurement report: Comparison of airborne, in situ measured, lidar-based, and modeled aerosol optical properties in the central European background – identifying sources of deviations
Case study of a humidity layer above Arctic stratocumulus and potential turbulent coupling with the cloud top
Coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers: Turbulence properties
Observations of aerosol, cloud, turbulence and radiation properties at the top of the marine boundary layer over the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean: The ACORES campaign
Measurements on the 10m meteorological and turbulence mast during the Arctic field campaign PASCAL in June 2017 [dataset]
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of turbulence and radiation during the Arctic field campaign PAMARCMiP in March/April 2018 [dataset]
Tethered balloon-borne measurements of turbulence and radiation during the Arctic field campaign PASCAL in June 2017 [dataset]
The new Beluga setup for collocated turbulence and radiation measurements using a tethered balloon: First applications in the cloudy Arctic boundary layer
Turbulence-induced cloud voids: Observation and interpretation
Local and remote controls on Arctic mixed-layer evolution
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010