Lehmann, K., Schmidt, S., Siebert, H., Wendisch, M.

Tethered-balloon borne measurements in boundary layer clouds. Part II: Microphysical properties

14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Bologna, Italy, 18-23 July, 580-583

Siebert, H., Stratmann, F., Wehner, B.

First observations of increased ultrafine particle number concentrations near the inversion of a continental planetary boundary layer and its relation to ground-based measurements

Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L09102


Siebert, H., Lehmann, K., Wendisch, M., Malinowski, S.

Tethered-balloon borne measurements in boundary layer clouds. Part I: Turbulence and dynamics

14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Bologna, Italy, 18-23 July, 1955-1958

von Löwis, S., Wehner, B., Uhrner, U., Siebert, H., Tuch, T., Conrath, T., Wiedensohler, A.

Measurement of particulate matter inside of a turbulent exhaust plume of a diesel passenger car

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 September


Siebert, H., Wendisch, M., Conrath, T., Teichmann, U., Heintzenberg, J.

A new tethered balloon-borne payload for fine-scale observations in the cloudy boundary layer

Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 106, 461-482

Siebert, H.

A new tethereed-balloon borne turbulence measurements in the cloudy boundary layer

6th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Leipzig, Germany, 14-20 September

Siebert, H., Stratmann, F., Wehner, B.

New particle formation observed during the SATURN experiment at inversion layers - A case study -

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Madrid, Spain, 31 August - 5 September

Siebert, H., Schell, D., Stratmann, F.

Tethered-balloon borne measurements of particle number concentrations and turbulence in the planetary boundary layer with "ACTOS"

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Madrid, Spain, 31 August - 5 September

Stratmann, F., Siebert, H., Spindler, G., Wehner, B., Schell, D., Althausen, D., Heintzenberg, J., Hellmuth, O., Stohl, A., Tuch, T., Uhrner, U., Wiedensohler, A., Wandinger, U., Wendisch, M.

New-particle formation events in a continental boundary layer: First results from the SATURN experiment

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Madrid, Spain, 31 August - 5 September

Stratmann, F., Siebert, H., Spindler, G., Wehner, B., Althausen, D., Heintzenberg, J., Hellmuth, O., Rinke, R., Schmieder, U., Seidel, C., Tuch, T., Uhrner, U., Wiedensohler, A., Wandinger, U., Wendisch, M., Schell, D., Stohl, A.

New-particle formation events in a continental boundary layer: First results from the SATURN experiment

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1445-1459

Wehner, B., Schmieder, U., Siebert, H., Stratmann, F., Spindler, G., Tuch, T., Wiedensohler, A.

Horizontal variability of new particle formation during SATURN

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Madrid, Spain, 31 August - 5 September


Siebert, H., Wendisch, M.

Tethered-balloon borne measurements of the fine-scale structure of boundary layer clouds

15th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 15-19 July, 66-69


Siebert, H., Esfeld, K., Hermann, M., Conrath, T.

Balloon borne measurements of particle number concentrations in the coastal boundary layer

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Leipzig, Germany, 3-7 September

Siebert, H., Muschinski, A.

Relevance of a tuning-fork effect for temperature measurements with the Gill Solent HS Ultrasonic Anemometer/Thermometer

J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 18, 1367-1376

Siebert, H.

Tethered-balloone borne turbulence measurements in the cloudy boundary layer

Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 122 pp.


Haman, K. E., Malinowski, S. P., Makulski, A., Strus, B. D., Busen, R., Stefko, A., Siebert, H.

A family of ultrafast aircraft thermometers for warm and supercooled clouds and various types of aircraft

13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Reno, Nevada, USA, 14-18 August, 224-227

Siebert, H., Teichmann, U.

Behaviour of an ultrasonic anemometer under cloudy conditions

Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 94, 165-169

Siebert, H., Teichmann, U.

Concept and design of a new airship-borne cloud turbulence measurement system

13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), Reno, Nevada, USA, 14-18 August, 188-190

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