ULTRAFLEB Final Workshop 2025

ULTRAFLEB-Logo des Umweltbundesamts

The project Ultra-fine dust pollution from airports in Berlin (Ultrafeinstaubbelastung durch Flughäfen in Berlin, ULTRAFLEB, FKZ: 3720522010) will end in the year 2025.

The  German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) as funding body, the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Leipzig (TROPOS) as project coordinator, and all other participants of the project ULTRAFLEB therefore kindly invite to the  ULTRAFLEB final workshop on Wednesday, 14 May 2025, 9:00-13:00 in Berlin (online participation will also be possible).

Note: The workshop will be held in German!

The event will be of a scientific nature and is aimed at a specialist audience, in particular scientific institutes and authorities related to air quality measurements.


  • Bundespresseamt (Besucherzentrum), Reichstagufer 14, 10117 Berlin (close to the Friedrichstraße train station)

Please note the following information for participation on site:

  • Entry for registered participants only (please use the registration form, provided in German only).

  • Entry only with valid photo ID.

  • Bringing suitcases and backpacks into the event location is not permitted (if necessary, use the luggage storage at Friedrichstraße train station).

If you would like to participate in the workshop online, please also use the form registration form (provided in German only; this will be the workshop language).

We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin on 14 May 2025.