Central Facilities in Europe
The central facilities in ACTRIS are assigned to the European level.
This includes the head office, the data center and the six topical centres.
Each of these central facilities is divided into 2 - 6 units, with each unit located in a different European country.
Germany operates a total of 12 units of the topical centres and thus makes the largest contribution to these central facilities.
Units of the topical centres in Germany
Centre for Aerosol In-Situ Measurements
- Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
WCCAP - World Calibration Center for Aerosol Physics
OGTAC-CC - Organic Tracers and Aerosol Constituents
Centre for Aerosol Remote Sensing
- Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
Aerosol Low-Power Lidar and Ceilometer
- Ludwigs-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
Aerosol High-Power Lidar Aerosol
Low-Power Lidar and Ceilometer
Centre for Cloud In-Situ Measurements
- Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT)
Center for Cloud Ice Nucleation
- Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Center for Cloud Water Chemistry
Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing
- University of Cologne (UoC)
Microwave Radiometer
Centre for Reactive Trace Gases In-Situ Measurements
- Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
World Calibration Center for Volatile Organic Compounds
World Calibration Center for Nitrogen Oxides
- Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
VOCs and NOx
Centre for Reactive Trace Gases Remote Sensing
- University of Bremen (UBre)