SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival 2023
This year's SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival will take place in Halle an der Saale from 25 to 29 October 2023 under the motto "I see something you don't see". We understand the motto as an invitation to explore one's own surroundings more closely - from the smallest particle to complex ecosystems, from the secrets of the deep sea to those of outer space. In addition, we would like to draw attention to blind spots in knowledge production and discussion that often get little attention.
Mit dabei sind im Oktober auch zwei Forschende von TROPOS:
Friday, 27 Oct 23 / 04:00 pm / Mehrgenerationenhaus Pusteblume, Zur Saaleaue 51a, Halle-Neustadt
Rent a Scientist #1
Often barely visible, air quality is nevertheless quite crucial for our well-being. But how can it be examined?
Atmospheric scientist Nabil Deabji knows how to and will provide you with insights at the "Pusteblume" in Halle-Neustadt. He analyzes air pollution based on the chemical composition of tiny particles in the air.
Nabil Deabji, PhD student, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
The conversation will be in Arabic.
Just imagine, scientists are visiting you in your everyday environment – and not the other way around. They may not jump out of the cake, but they will bring a colorful bouquet of exciting knowledge with them.
"Rent a Scientist" is an invitation to exchange ideas - about research and the world - in a familiar environment.
The format was developed in close cooperation with the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and Themenjahren der Stadt Halle.
Saturday, 28 Oct 23 / 03:00 pm / Café Koffij - Leipziger Straße 70, 06108 Halle
Komm, setz dich #7
Why is air pollution stronger in one street than in a neighbouring one? How do air pollutants affect us? And how can we identify pollution patterns across a wide area?
Sit down with Oswald Knoth and talk to him about particulate matter and how you can measure its particles or even air movement. By the way, Oswald Knoth also operates his own small fine dust measuring device at home in Halle.
Dr. Oswald Knoth, scientist, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research TROPOS
Komm, setz dich! …for a natter with science and art
How does the brain interpret scent? What do toilets have to do with a sustainable future? How do you make nail polish that tests for illegal drugs? And how did tax havens become quasi-legal free zones?
Do you have a lot of questions about science and art, but don't want to ask them in front of a large audience? Come to theKaufhaus or Café Koffij, and sit down with invited experts. Ask your individual questions and learn more about research, methods and approaches.
The meetings take place both at the Kaufhaus am Marktplatz and at Café Koffij.

SILBERSALZ Schulkino 2023
In June, a TROPOS researcher was a guest at the SILBERSALZ School Cinema 2023:
On three days, from 21.06-23.06.2023, 7 film events for more than 600 pupils took place in the Leopoldina, the Planetarium Halle and the Passage 13. The SILBERSALZ School Cinema is a free offer for school classes from Halle and the region, where films are presented and then discussed in depth with invited researchers and experts together with the pupils.
On 21 June, the film "Children of the Climate Crisis - 4 Girls, 3 Continents, Mission" was shown in the large hall of the LEOPOLDINA in Halle(Saale), which, among other things, deals with the fight against air pollution in India. Prof. Stephan M. Feller (MLU Halle-Wittenberg) and Dr Ajit Ahlawat (Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research) discussed the climate and environmental crisis with the committed pupils.
Retrospective: https://www.silbersalz-festival.com/de/news/1558/silbersalz-schulkino-2023-ein-kurzer-rueckblick & https://www.silbersalz-festival.com/de/news/1549/silbersalz-schulkino-3-tage-7-veranstaltungen-600-schuelerinnen
What questions are keeping science busy? What answers could help us live together more peacefully and waste fewer resources? What will the earth look like in the future?
Since 2018, SILBERSALZ has stood for Public Engagement. In a combination of public festival and conference programme, SILBERSALZ promotes public and media engagement with science. SILBERSALZ sees itself as a platform that builds bridges between science, media and society in order to discuss current challenges together. To this end, the festival offers a variety of formats - from gripping films followed by discussions, round-table talks and encounter formats to interactive exhibitions, workshops, youth offerings and artistic performances. In short: SILBERSALZ makes science and media topics tangible with all senses.
SILBERSALZ is a joint initiative of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and Documentary Campus and is supported by a renowned board of trustees chaired by Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.
The entire programme at: https://www.silbersalz-festival.com/de/programme#2023-10-25