Dr. Ronny Engelmann
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 27177315
Mail: ronny.engelmann@tropos.de
Room: 216 (Building 23.1)
Scientific staff
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Processes
Research areas & research interest
- Aktive aerosol and cloud remote sensing
- Development of Lidar devices and methods
- Aerosol and cloud distribution over the ocean
- PI of OCEANET-Atmosphere: application and planning of regular shipborne campaigns
- Planning, design and installation of remote-sensing measurement platforms
Current projects
- COALA Continuous Observations of Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction in Antarctica, 2022-2024
- MOSAiC Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate, 2019/20
- OCEANET-Atmosphere facility for Aerosol/cloud observations at sea
- PollyNET – worldwide Aerosol distribution
- Leipzig aerosol and cloud remote observations system (LACROS)
- European aerosol research lidar network (EARLINET) and Aerosols, clouds, and trace gases research infrastructure network (ACTRIS)
Completed projects
- PoLiCyTa: Implementation of Polly lidar stations in Dushanbe, Tadjikistan and Limassol, Cyprus, 2017-2020
- CHARADMExp: Characterization of Aerosol mixtures of Dust And Marine origin, Crete, 2014
- Amazonian aerosol characterization experiment (AMAZE), Manaus, Brazil,2008
- Saharan mineral dust experiment (SAMUM-2), Praia, Cape Verde, 2008
- Convective and orographically-induced precipitation study (COPS), Black Forest, Germany, 2007
- International Lindenberg campaign for assessment of humidity and cloud profiling systems and its impact on high-resolution modelling (LAUNCH-2005), northern Germany, 2005
- Pear-River-Delta experiment, South China, 2004
Measuring Systems (constructed and supervised)
- Lectures about windlidar for master students
Curriculum vitae
Academic qualification