Phone: +49 341 2717-7448
Mail: oscar.ritter[at]tropos.de
Adress: Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig
Room: 1.08 (Geb. 23.5)
PhD Student
PhD Representative
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Processes
Clouds, Aerosol and Radiation
Research Activities:
- Small-scale variability of physical cloud properties and radiation
- Use of high-resolution satellite observations (Sentinel-2) for cloud remote sensing
- Exploration of the urban heat island with mobile weather stations and Citizen Science
Current Projects
Object-based characterization of shallow cumulus clouds over the Southern Great Plains combining decameter-scale observations
Past Projects
“Meteorologie hautnah”: Website
Characterization of the macrophysical properties of trade wind cumulus during EUREC4A campaign
Curriculum vitae