Dr. Holger Baars

Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 27177314

Email: holger.baars@tropos.de

Room: 216 (Building 23.1)

Function: Scientist and Head of Lidar Applications Team

Department: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Processes

Group: Ground-Based Remote Sensing, Lidar Applications

ORCID: 0000-0002-2316-8960


Research areas & research interest

  • Atmospheric observations with lidar
  • Worldwide aerosol observations in the frame of PollyNET
  • Validation of the first wind lidar in space Aeolus
  • Development for the automatic data analysis routines for European lidar systems in the frame of ACTRIS/ EARLINET (Single Calculus Chain)
  • Development of temporal high-resolution aerosol products for continuous lidar observations
  • Synergy between Cloudnet  and lidar observations
  • Data assimilation of lidar data to atmospheric models
  • Using lidar data to evaluate atmospheric models
  • Aerosol characterization and transport studies:
    • Analysis of vertical profiles of optical and microphysical aerosol properties
    • Creation of an aerosol climatology
    • Research on aerosol transport on a global scale
    • Cloud and Aerosol layer structure classification
    • Forest fire smoke in the stratosphere
  • Aerosol typing methodologies for the future EarthCARE mission
  • Depolarization measurements
  • PBL-top height determination by lidar and other instruments
  • Operation and quality control of automatic lidars PollyXT in the frame of PollyNET
  • Support of measurement campaigns (e.g. CADEX, SALTRACE, CyCARE, HOPE, DACAPO-PESO)
  • EARLINET observations in Leipzig

Online lidar-quicklooks worldwide




Current projects


Completed projects (Selection)



  • Contribution to the lecture Remote sensing of the atmosphere with lidar at the University of Leipzig
  • Lecturer at the Cloudnet trainings school
  • Supervision  of several Master and Diploma theses:
    •  Urbanneck, C. 2018: Retrieval of aerosol optical and microphysical properties in Cyprus during A-LIFE and CyCARE by lidar and closure studies with airborne in-situ measurements -Towards aerosol-cloud interaction investigations , University Leipzig, (M.Sc.), (PDF)
    • Kaduk, C. 2017: Characterization of the optical properties of complex aerosol mixtures observed with a multiwavelength-Raman-polarization lidar during the 6-weeks BACCHUS campaign in Cyprus in spring 2015, University Leipzig, (M.Sc.), (PDF)
    • Bohlmann, S. 2017. Aerosol pro ling with lidar over the Atlantic Ocean during meridional Polarstern cruises, University of Leipzig, (M.Sc.), (PDF)
    • Emmrich, S. 2015. The effect of cities on aerosol and cloud properties concerning the planetary boundary layer observed with rural and urban lidar and sun photometer measurements in Melpitz and Leipzig. University of Leipzig, 99 S. (master thesis) (PDF)
    • Rittmeister, F. 2015. The African dust and smoke layer over the tropical Atlantic during the spring season 2013: Ship-based lidar observations from Guadeloupe to Cape Verde. University of Leipzig, 69 S. (master thesis)(PDF)
    • Hänel, A. 2011. Untersuchungen zu vertikalen Aerosolprofilen nordöstlich von Peking anhand von Messungen mit dem Raman-Lidar Polly. University of Leipzig, 89 S. (diploma thesis)  (PDF
  • Mentoring of talks and elaborations in diverse seminars at the University of Leipzig



  • Since 2019 member of the Aeolus Science and Data Quality Group (Aeolus SAG)
  • Speaker of the Council of the European Research Lidar Network (EARLINET)

Curriculum vitae

2000-2007|Student of Meteorology|University of Leipzig    
2006-2007|Diploma thesis|TROPOS, Leipzig    
2008-2012|PhD|TROPOS, Leipzig    
Since 2007|Research Scientist|TROPOS, Leipzig    


Publications (selection)


all Publications