Dr. Frank Stratmann
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 2717-7142
Mail: frank.stratmann at tropos.de
Room: 005 (Building 23.3)
Group Leader Experimental Cloud Physics
Research areas & research interest
- aerosol cloud interactions
- cloud microphysics and turbulence interactions
- heterogeneous ice nucleation
- cloud droplet activation
- computational fluid and particle dynamics modelling
Current projects
- AC3 B04 (DFG-TR 172 Project): Spatial distribution, sources, and cloud processing of aerosol particles.
- ACDC2 (NSF-Project): Preliminary studies for the construction of an aerosol cloud turbulence chamber.
- ACTRIS (EU Project)
- ACTRIS-D (BMBF Project): Extension of the measuring technology at LACIS-T
- ATMO-ACCESS (EU-Project): Develop and implement sustainable access to the LACIS-T research infrastructure.
- CLOUD-MOTION (EU, FP7, Marie Curie Project): Cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles at the CLOUD chamber at CERN.
- CIRRUS-HL (DFG-PP 1294 Project): Physical and chemical properties of cloud particle residuals and ice nucleating particles associated with clouds at high latitudes from mixed-phase to cirrus levels. (HALO-CVI-HERA, HALO 2021, CIRRUS-HL)
- DACAPO-PESO (in-situ): Long-term in-situ studies on the physical properties of aerosols (focus on CCN and INP) in the Southern Ocean region
- goSouth (BMBF-Project): Model-assisted vertical in situ study of aerosols, and aerosol-cloud-turbulence interactions in the Southern Hemisphere marine boundary layer.
- VACCINE+ (DFG-Project): Variation in Antarctic cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) and ice nucleus (INP) concentrations and properties at NEumayer III compared to their values in the Arctic at Villum Research Station.
- IDEFIX (DFG-Project): Quantification of secondary ice formation mechanisms: the fragmentation of freezing droplets vs. droplet-ice particle collision.
- STEP (EU Marie Curie Project): Solving The Entrainment Puzzle.
Completed projects
- Hera4HALO (DFG-PP 1294 project)
- PAMARCMiP (DFG-TR 172 project), campaign report
- EUROCHAMP2020 (EU, FP 7, infrastructure project)
- ACE-SPACE (SPI project)
- CLOUD-16 (BMBF project)
- BACCHUS (EU FP7 project)
- CLOUD-12 (BMBF project)
- INUIT (DFG Research Unit)
- LACCT (WGL PAKT project)
- LGS-CAR (WGL PAKT project)
- CLOUD-ITN (EU FP7 Marie Curie project)
- CLOUD-09 (BMBF project)
- EUROCHAMP (EU FP7 Infrastructure project)
- EUROCHAMP II (EU FP7 Infrastructure project)
- DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB 209)
Teaching at the University of Leipzig, Faculty for Physics and Geoscience, Meteorological Institute
Memberships and Boards
07/2008-07/2016 | Board member of the International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation |
02/2008-12/2013 | Workpackage leader EU-FP7 Infrastructure Project EUROCHAMP II |
07/2004-08/2009 | Board member of the International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols |
09/1998-09/2002 | Board member of the German Aerosol Research Society (GAeF) |
09/1993-09/2001 | Head of the Working-Group "Aerosol Modelling" within the European Aerosol Assembly (EAC) |
09/1992-09/1993 | Coordinator of the European Aerosol Conference Duisburg |
Curriculum vitae
Academic qualification
1992 | PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Duisburg, Institute for Aerosol Measurement Technology (summa cum laude), 1992, Prof. H. Fissan |
1986 | Diplom (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Duisburg |
1979-1986 | Study at the University of Duisburg, Germany |
Research Experience
01/2013-07/2017 | Head of Experimental Aerosol and Cloud Physics Department, Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany |
08/2006-12/2006 | Visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Atmospheric Sciences, Helsinki, Finland (Host: M. Kulmala) |
since 06/1998 | Head of the Cloud Group at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany |
since 04/1994 | Senior scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany |
06/1992-03/1994 | Postdoctoral scientist at the University of Duisburg, Institute for Aerosol Measurement Technology, Germany (Head: H. Fissan) |