Dr. Dietrich Althausen
Leibniz Institute for
Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 27177063
Fax: +49 341 2717997063
Mail: dietrich@tropos.de
Room: 118 (Building 23.2)
Senior Scientist
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Processes
Research areas & research interest
- Development and construction of lidar systems for aerosol research
- Development of lidar methods
- Mineral dust in the atmosphere
- Water vapor in the atmosphere
- Investigations of the worldwide atmospheric transport of particles
- Investigations to the effect of particles on radiation budget
- Influence of particles on the polarization state of light
Current projects
- PollyNET(PI)
Completed projects
- Aerosol Characterization Experiment 2 (Portugal, 1997, PI)
- Lindenberg Aerosol Characterization Experiment 1998 (Lindenberg, 1998)
- Indian Ocean Experiment (Malediven, 1999-2000, four campaigns, PI)
- Pear-River-Delta experiment in Guangdong 2004 (PRD4, PI)
- International Lindenberg campaign for assessment of humidity- and cloud-profiling systems and its impact on high resolution modelling, Ziegendorf / Germany 2005 (LAUNCH)
- Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 1 (Marocco, 2006, PI)
- Convective and orographically-induced precipitation study in the Black Forest, Germany 2007 (COPS)
- Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 2 (Cap Verde, 2008, PI)
- Intercomparisons with the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) lidar (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization, CALIOP), since 2006
- European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research 2006 - 2011 (EUSAAR), Leipzig, PI
- European integrated project on aerosol cloud climate air quality interactions 2007-2010 (EUCAARI), Brazil and China, PI
- Satellite-based aerosol mapping over megacities: Development of methodology and application in health and climate related studies at Leipzig and Guangdong (Megacities), 2007 – 2010, PI
- joint experiments with groups in Sweden 2010-2014 (VASA), Chile 2009-2010 (ALPACA), South Africa 2010-2011 (GOPHER)
- OCEANET Autonome Messplattformen zur Bestimmung des Stoff- und Energieaustausches zwischen Ozean und Atmosphäre, Atlantik, PI
- CADEX (Central Asian Dust EXperiment)
- 3D Widefield Aerosol Probing by Lidar Anchor (gefördert von German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development GIF, PI)
- SALTRACE (Saharan Aerosol Long-range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment, PI)
Measuring Systems (constructed and supervised)
Diffential Absorption Lidar DIAL (now at University of Hohenheim)
Lectures and seminars within the education to Master of Science / Meteorology
Supervision of Master theses and PhD theses
VDI expert group Groundbased Remote Measurements of Meteorological Quantities
Curriculum vitae
Academic qualification