"Nature" ranking recognizes Fudan University as "rising star"
Fudan University (FDU) in Shanghai is one of the 16 institutions that have improved the most in the "Nature Index" between 2015 and 2017. The Chinese university, where Prof. Hartmut Herrmann, head of the TROPOS Department of Atmospheric Chemistry, also teaches, is thus one of the world's up-and-coming research institutions. The Department of Chemistry plays a major role in this. "The government is pressing for measures to be taken against dangerous air pollution in China's metropolises and against the effects of climate change. The University of Fudan plays an important role in this," says the journal Nature, explaining the importance of the FDU. Its importance for geosciences and environmental sciences will continue to grow: In April 2018, the FDU opened a department for atmospheric and ocean research.