ACTRIS is developing towards becoming an ERIC
Barcelona. On 23rd of January 2019, the Interim ACTRIS Council (IAC) has mandated Finland to submit ACTRIS ERIC Step 1 documents to the European Commission. ERIC is the abbreviation for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium. ACTRIS ERIC provides the governance of ACTRIS, which is necessary to create the organisational conditions for a complex research infrastructure. ACTRIS ERIC establishes and operates the research infrastructure and coordinates the strategic and financial development and eventual long-term operation of ACTRIS.
ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) is a pan-European research infrastructure for short-lived atmospheric constituents increasing the excellence in Earth system observation and research and providing information and knowledge for developing sustainable solutions to societal needs.
ACTRIS ERIC statutory seat will be hosted by Finland and the ACTRIS Head Office operated by Finland and Italy. Currently, there are 18 European countries involved at ministry level. More than 100 research-performing organizations, including TROPOS, are involved in the construction and operation of observation stations, research and calibration laboratories and a data centre.
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