Air quality models can improve the accuracy of forecasts of daily solar power production in the future Leipzig, 02.12.2021 Analyses of the influence of aerosols on the yield of photovoltaic systems contribute toward a better utilisation of electricity grids and the energy…
Leipzig tethered balloon in action on Spitsbergen Ny-Ålesund/ Leipzig, 04.10.2021 TROPOS and Leipzig University measure for the first time in the polar night
New Professor for Aerosols and Cloud Microphysics Leipzig, 03.09.2021 Joint appointment strengthens Leipzig climate research
Atmospheric research in Germany will be significantly expanded Leipzig, 05.08.2021 National contribution to EU research infrastructure ACTRIS will enable better forecasts for air quality, weather, and climate in the future
Large measurement campaign in the Atlantic starts Mindelo, 30.06.2021 TROPOS lidar on Cabo Verde in operation for the ESA wind satellite Aeolus