Li, T., Mao, H., Wang, Z., Zhen, J., Li, S., Nie, X., Herrmann, H., Wang, Y.

Field evidence for Asian outflow and fast depletion of total gaseous mercury in the polluted coastal atmosphere

Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 4101-4112


Lu, B., Liu, C., Meng, X., Zhang, Z., Herrmann, H., Li, X.

High-resolution mapping of regional NMVOCs using the fast space-time Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM)

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 128, e2023JD039591


Lu, B., Meng, X., Dong, S., Zhang, Z., Liu, C., Jiang, J., Herrmann, H., Li, X.

High-resolution mapping of regional VOCs using the enhanced space-time extreme gradient boosting machine (XGBoost) in Shanghai

Sci. Total Environ., 905, 167054 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Lu, B., Zhang, Z., Jiang, J., Meng, X., Liu, C., Herrmann, H., Chen, J., Xue, L., Li, X.

Unraveling the O3-NOX-VOCs relationships induced by anomalous ozone in industrial regions during COVID-19 in Shanghai

Atmos. Environ., 308, 119864


Mekic, M., Schaefer, T., Hoffmann, E. H., Aiyuk, M. B. E., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H.

Temperature-dependent oxidation of hydroxylated aldehydes by OH, SO4•–, and NO3 radicals in the atmospheric aqueous phase

J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 6495-6508


Meng, X., Lu, B., Liu, C., Zhang, Z., Chen, J., Herrmann, H.

Abrupt exacerbation in air quality over Europe after the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine war

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Meng, X., Jiang, J., Chen, T., Zhang, Z., Lu, B., Liu, C., Xue, L., Chen, J., Herrmann, H., Li, X.

Chemical drivers of ozone change in extreme temperatures in eastern China

Sci. Total Environ., 874, 162424 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Mettke, P., Brüggemann, M., Mutzel, A., Gräfe, R., Herrmann, H.

Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) through Uptake of Isoprene Hydroxy Hydroperoxides (ISOPOOH) and its oxidation products

ACS Earth Space Chem., 7, 1025-1037


Min, N., Yao, J., Li, H., Zhu, J., Kümmel, S., Lechtenfeld, O. J., Schaefer, T., Herrmann, H., Richnow, H.-H.

Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation of phthalates during photocatalysis reactions in aqueous solution containing Fe(III) complexes or iron minerals

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Min, N., Yao, J., Li, H., Zhu, J., Kümmel, S., Schaefer, T., Herrmann, H., Richnow, H. H.

Carbon isotope fractionation of di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate during photosensitized degradation by •OH and SO4 for characterization of reaction mechanisms

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Min, N., Yao, J., Li, H., Chen, Z., Pang, W., Zhu, J., Kümmel, S., Schaefer, T., Herrmann, H., Richnow, H. H.

Humic substance photosensitized degradation of phthalate esters characterized by 2H and 13C isotope fractionation

Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 1930-1939


Mothes, F., Hoffmann, E. H., Herrmann, H.

Urban grime photochemistry and its interaction with air pollutants NO, NO2, and O3: A source for HONO and NO2 impacting OH in urban areas

ACS Earth Space Chem., 7, 2263-2274


Pöhlker, M. L., Pöhlker, C., Quaas, J., Mülmenstädt, J., Pozzer, A., Andreae, M. O., Artaxo, P., Block, K., Coe, H., Ervens, B., Gallimore, P., Gaston, C. J., Gunthe, S. S., Henning, S., Herrmann, H., Krüger, O. O., McFiggans, G., Poulain, L., Raj, S. S., Reyes-Villegas, E., Royer, H. M., Walter, D., Wang, Y., Pöschl, U.

Global organic and inorganic aerosol hygroscopicity and its effect on radiative forcing

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Putaud, J.-P., Pisoni, E., Mangold, A., Hueglin, C., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Savvides, C., Ondracek, J., Mbengue, S., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Merkel, M., Poulain, L., van Pinxteren, D., Herrmann, H., Massling, A., Nordstrøm, C., Alastuey, A., Reche, C., Pérez, N., Castillo, S., Sorribas, M., Adame, J. A., Petaja, T., Lehtipalo, K., Niemi, J., Riffault, V., de Brito, J. F., Colette, A., Favez, O., Petit, J.-E., Gros, V., Gini, M. I., Vratolis, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Diapouli, E., van der Gon, H. D., Yttri, K. E., Aas, W.

Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10145-10161


Sanaei, A., Herrmann, H., Alshaabi, L., Beck, J., Ferlian, O., Fomba, K. W., Haferkorn, S., van Pinxteren, M., Quaas, J., Quosh, J., Rabe, R., Wirth, C., Eisenhauer, N., Weigelt, A.

Changes in biodiversity impact atmospheric chemistry and climate through plant volatiles and particles

Commun. Earth Environ., 4, 445


Sarang, K., Otto, T., Gagan, S., Rudzinski, K., Schaefer, T., Brüggemann, M., Grgić, I., Kubas, A., Herrmann, H., Szmigielski, R.

Aqueous-phase photo-oxidation of selected green leaf volatiles initiated by •OH radicals: Products and atmospheric implications

Sci. Total Environ., 879, 162622 , ISBN: 0048-9697


van Pinxteren, D., Zeppenfeld, S., Herrmann, H.

Trenduntersuchung der Levoglucosan-Konzentration in der Außenluft am Standort Melpitz unter Berücksichtigung der Witterungsbedingungen (Abschlussbericht)

Report , ISBN: UBA-Projekt

van Pinxteren, M., Zeppenfeld, S., Fomba, K. W., Triesch, N., Frka, S., Herrmann, H.

Amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids in the tropical oligotrophic Atlantic Ocean: Sea-to-air transfer and atmospheric in situ formation

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 6571-6590


Wen, L., Xue, L., Dong, C., Wang, X., Chen, T., Jiang, Y., Gu, R., Zheng, P., Li, H., Shan, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Y., Yin, X., Liu, H., Gao, J., Wu, Z., Wang, T., Herrmann, H., Wang, W.

Reduced atmospheric sulfate enhances fine particulate nitrate formation in eastern China

Sci. Total Environ., 898, 165303 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Wendisch, M., Brückner, M., Crewell, S., Ehrlich, A., Notholt, J., Lüpkes, C., Macke, A., Burrows, J. P., Rinke, A., Quaas, J., Maturilli, M., Schemann, V., Shupe, M. D., Akansu, E. F., Barrientos-Velasco, C., Bärfuss, K., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Block, K., Bougoudis, I., Bozem, H., Böckmann, C., Bracher, A., Bresson, H., Bretschneider, L., Buschmann, M., Chechin, D. G., Chylik, J., Dahlke, S., Deneke, H., Dethloff, K., Donth, T., Dorn, W., Dupuy, R., Ebell, K., Egerer, U., Engelmann, R., Eppers, O., Gerdes, R., Gierens, R., Gorodetskaya, I. V., Gottschalk, M., Griesche, H., Gryanik, V. M., Handorf, D., Harm-Altstädter, B., Hartmann, J., Hartmann, M., Heinold, B., Herber, A., Herrmann, H., Heygster, G., Höschel, I., Hofmann, Z., Hölemann, J., Hünerbein, A., Jafariserajehlou, S., Jäkel, E., Jacobi, C., Janout, M., Jansen, F., Jourdan, O., Jurányi, Z., Kalesse-Los, H., Kanzow, T., Käthner, R., Kliesch, L. L., Klingebiel, M., Knudsen, E. M., Kovács, T., Körtke, W., Krampe, D., Kretzschmar, J., Kreyling, D., Kulla, B., Kunkel, D., Lampert, A., Lauer, M., Lelli, L., von Lerber, A., Linke, O., Löhnert, U., Lonardi, M., Losa, S. N., Losch, M., Maahn, M., Mech, M., Mei, L., Mertes, S., Metzner, E., Mewes, S., Michaelis, J., Mioche, G., Moser, M., Nakoudi, K., Neggers, R., Neuber, R., Nomokonova, T., Oelker, J., Papakonstantinou-Presvelou, I., Pätzold, F., Pefanis, V., Pohl, C., van Pinxteren, M., Radovan, A., Rhein, M., Rex, M., Richter, A., Risse, N., Ritter, C., Rostosky, P., Rozanov, V. V., Ruiz Donoso, E., Saavedra Garfias, P., Salzmann, M., Schacht, J., Schäfer, M., Schneider, J., Schnierstein, N., Seifert, P., Seo, S., Siebert, H., Soppa, M. A., Spreen, G., Stachlewska, I. S., Stapf, J., Stratmann, F., Tegen, I., Viceto, C., Voigt, C., Vountas, M., Walbröl, A., Walter, M., Wehner, B., Wex, H., Willmes, S., Zanatta, M., Zeppenfeld, S.

Atmospheric and surface processes, and feedback mechanisms determining arctic amplification: A review of first results and prospects of the (AC)3 Project

Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E208-E242


Zeppenfeld, S., van Pinxteren, M., Hartmann, M., Zeising, M., Bracher, A., Herrmann, H.

Marine carbohydrates in Arctic aerosol particles and fog – diversity of oceanic sources and atmospheric transformations

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15561-15587


Zhang, Q., Liu, P., Wang, Y., George, C., Chen, T., Ma, S., Ren, Y., Mu, Y., Song, M., Herrmann, H., Mellouki, A., Chen, J., Yue, Y., Zhao, X., Wang, S., Zeng, Y.

Unveiling the underestimated direct emissions of nitrous acid (HONO)

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (PNAS), 120, e2302048120



Ahlawat, A., Mishra, S. K., Herrmann, H., Rajeev, P., Gupta, T., Goel, V., Sun, Y., Wiedensohler, A.

Impact of chemical properties of human respiratory droplets and aerosol particles on airborne viruses' viability and indoor transmission

Viruses, 14, 1497


Aregahegn, K. Z., Felber, T., Tilgner, A., Hoffmann, E. H., Schaefer, T., Herrmann, H.

Kinetics and mechanisms of aqueous-phase reactions of triplet-state imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde with α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds

J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 8727-8740


Beck, J., Brüggemann, M., van Pinxteren, D., Herrmann, H.

Nontarget approach to identify complexing agents in atmospheric aerosol and rainwater samples

Anal. Chem., 94, 8966-8974


Berndt, T., Chen, J., Kjærgaard, E. R., Møller, K. H., Tilgner, A., Hoffmann, E. H., Herrmann, H., Crounse, J. D., Wenneberg, P. O., Kjaergaard, H. G.

Hydrotrioxide (ROOOH) formation in the atmosphere

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Cai, D., Wang, X., George, C., Cheng, T., Herrmann, H., Li, X., Chen, J.

Formation of secondary nitroaromatic compounds in polluted urban environments

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 127, e2021JD036167


Chen, G., Canonaco, F., Tobler, A., Aas, W., Alastuey, A., Allan, J., Atabakhsh, S., Aurela, M., Baltensperger, U., Bougiatioti, A., De Brito, J. F., Ceburnis, D., Chazeau, B., Chebaicheb, H., Daellenbach, K. R., Ehn, M., El Haddad, I., Eleftheriadis, K., Favez, O., Flentje, H., Font, A., Fossum, K., Freney, E., Gini, M., Green, D. C., Heikkinen, L., Herrmann, H., Kalogridis, A. C., Keernik, H., Lhotka, R., Lin, C., Lunder, C., Maasikmets, M., Manousakas, M. I., Marchand, N., Marin, C., Marmureanu, L., Mihalopoulos, N., Močnik, G., Nęcki, J., O’Dowd, C., Ovadnevaite, J., Peter, T., Petit J., Pikridas, M., Platt, S. M., Pokorná, P., Poulain, L., Priestman, M., Riffault, V., Rinaldi, M., Różański, K., Schwarz, J., Sciare, J., Simon, L., Skiba, A., Slowik, J. G., Sosedova, Y., Stavroulas, I., Styszko, K., Teinemaa, E., Timonen, H., Tremper, A., Vasilescu, J., Via, M., Vodička, P., Wiedensohler, A., Zografou, O., Minguillón, M. C., Prévôt, A. S. H.

European aerosol phenomenology - 8: Harmonised source apportionment of organic aerosol using 22 Year-long ACSM/AMS datasets

Environ. Internat., 166, 107325


Dall’Osto, M., Sotomayor-Garcia, A., Cabrera-Brufau, M., Berdalet, E., Vaqué, D., Zeppenfeld, S., van Pinxteren, M., Herrmann, H., Wex, H., Rinaldi, M., Paglione, M., Beddows, D., Harrison, R., Avila, C., Martin-Martin, R. P., Park, J., Barbosa, A.

Leaching material from Antarctic seaweeds and penguin guano effects cloud-relevant aerosol production

Sci. Total Environ., 831, 154772 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Dall’Osto, M., Vaqué, D., Sotomayor, D. V. A., Cabrera-Brufau, M., Estrada, M., Buchaca, T., Soler, M., Nunes, S., Zeppenfeld, S., van Pinxteren, M., Herrmann, H., Wex, H., Rinaldi, M., Paglione, M., Beddows, D. C. S., Harrison, R. M., Berdalet, E.

Sea ice microbiota in the Antarctic Peninsula modulates cloud-relevant sea spray aerosol production

Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 827061

doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.827061

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