Berndt, T., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H.

Gas-phase formation of sulfurous acid (H2SO3) in the atmosphere

Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 63, e202405572


Berndt, T., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H.

Gasphasenbildung von Schwefliger Säure (H2SO3) in der Atmosphäre

Angew. Chem., 136, e202405572


Deabji, N., Fomba, K. W., Poulain, L., dos Santos Souza, E. J., Mellouki, A., Herrmann, H.

Impact of Urban Emissions on Regional Air Quality in Fez City Area, Morocco

Fomba, K. W., Fankam, B. T., Mellouki, A., Westervelt, D. M., Giordano, M. R. (Ed.), In: Advances in air quality research in Africa : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Air Quality in Africa (ICAQ’Africa 2022), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 27-29, (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) : IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development) , ISBN: ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-031-53524-6 ISBN 978-3-031-53525-3 (eBook)


dos Santos Souza, E. J., Fomba, K. W., van Pinxteren, M., Deabji, N., Herrmann, H.

Strong synergistic and antagonistic effects of quinones and metal ions in oxidative potential (OP) determination by ascorbic acid (AA) assays

J. Hazard. Mater., 478, 135599


Eisenhauer, N., Frank, K., Weigelt, A., Bartkowski, B., Beugnon, R., Liebal, K., Mahecha, M., Quaas, M., Al-Halbouni, D., Bastos, A., Bohn, F. J., Madruga de Brito, M., Denzler, J., Feilhauer, H., Fischer, R., Fritsche, I., Guimaraes-Steinicke, C., Hänsel, M., Haun, D. B. M., Herrmann, H., Huth, A., Kalesse-Los, H., Koetter, M., Kolleck, N., Krause, M., Kretschmer, M., Leitão, P. J., Masson, T., Mora, K., Müller, B., Peng, J., Pöhlker, M., Ratzke, L., Reichstein, M., Richter, S., Rüger, N., Sánchez‐Parra, B., Shadaydeh, M., Sippel, S., Tegen, I., Thrän, D., Umlauft, J., Wendisch, M., Wolf, K., Wirth, C., Zacher, H., Zaehle, S., Quaas, J.

A belowground perspective on the nexus between biodiversity change, climate change, and human well‐being

J. Sustain. Agric. Environ., 3, e212108 , ISBN: ISSN2767-035X eISSN2767-035X


Faboya, O. L., Fomba, K. W., Herrmann, H.

Organic and Elemental Carbon in PM2.5 from an Urban Residential Area of Lagos, Nigeria

Fomba, K. W., Fankam, B. T., Mellouki, A., Westervelt, D. M., Giordano, M. R. (Ed.), In: Advances in air quality research in Africa : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Air Quality in Africa (ICAQ’Africa 2022), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 13-17, (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) : IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development) , ISBN: ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-031-53524-6 ISBN 978-3-031-53525-3 (eBook)


Fomba, K. W., Faboya, O. L., Deabji, N., Makhmudov, A., Hofer, J., dos Santos Souza, E. J., Müller, K., Althausen, D., Sharipov, S., Abdullaev, S., Herrmann, H.

The seasonal variation of Asian dust, anthropogenic PM, and their sources in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Atmos. Environ., 333, 120667 , ISBN: 1352-2310


Horník, Š., Pokorná, P., Vodička, P., Lhotka, R., Sýkora, J., Arora, S., Poulain, L., Herrmann, H., Schwarz, J., Zdímal, V.

Positive matrix factorization of seasonally resolved organic aerosol at three different central European background sites based on nuclear magnetic resonance Aerosolomics data

Sci. Total Environ., 916, 170303 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Kaboré, N., Fomba, K. W., Almeida, C., Quaye, D. T., Herrmann, H.

Impact of Mineral Dust Pollution on the Environmental Nutrient Budget in Cabo Verde

Fomba, K. W., Fankam, B. T., Mellouki, A., Westervelt, D. M., Giordano, M. R. (Ed.), In: Advances in air quality research in Africa : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Air Quality in Africa (ICAQ’Africa 2022), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 23-26, (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) : IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development) , ISBN: ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-031-53524-6 ISBN 978-3-031-53525-3 (eBook)


Kwiezinski, C., van Pinxteren, D., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Tian, H., Song, M., Shan, Y., Mu, J., Chen, T., Wang, X., Li, H., Wen, L., Chen, J., Xue, L., Herrmann, H.

Origins of particulate organic acids during high-altitude transport over the North China plain: Results from Mount Tai and a flight campaign in winter 2019

ACS Earth Space Chem., 8, 1072-1086


Lai, D., Schaefer, T., Zhang, Y., Li, Y. J., Xing, S., Herrmann, H., Chan, M. N.

Deactivating effect of hydroxyl radicals reactivity by sulfate and sulfite functional groups in aqueous phase-atmospheric implications for small organosulfur compounds

ACS ES&T Air, 1, 726-737 , ISBN: ISSN 2837-1402


Laj, P., Lund Myhre, C., Riffault, V., Amiridis, V., Fuchs, H., Eleftheriadis, K., Petäjä, T., Salameh, T., Kivekäs, N., Juurola, E., Saponaro, G., Philippin, S., Cornacchia, C., Alados Arboledas, L., Baars, H., Claude, A., De Maziere, M., Dils, B., Dufresne, M., Evangeliou, N., Favez, O., Fiebig, M., Haeffelin, M., Herrmann, H., Höhler, K., Illmann, N., Kreuter, A., Ludewig, E., Marinou, E., Möhler, O., Mona, L., Eder Murberg, L., Nicolae, D., Novelli, A., O’Connor, E., Ohneiser, K., Petracca Altieri, R. M., Picquet-Varrault, B., van Pinxteren, D., Pospichal, B., Putaud, J.-P., Reimann, S., Siomos, N., Stachlewska, I., Tillmann, R., Voudouri, K. A., Wandinger, U., Wiedensohler, A., Apituley, A., Comerón, A., Gysel-Beer, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Nikolova, N., Pietruczuk, A., Sauvage, S., Sciare, J., Skov, H., Svendby, T., Swietlicki, E., Tonev, D., Vaughan, G., Zdimal, V., Baltensperger, U., Doussin, J.-F., Kulmala, M., Pappalardo, G., Sorvari Sundet, S., Vana, M.

Aerosol, clouds and trace gases research infrastructure (ACTRIS): The European research infrastructure supporting atmospheric science

Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Early Online Release


Liu, C., Lu, B., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z., Meng, X., Huo, J., Herrmann, H., Li, X.

High-level HONO exacerbates double high pollution of O3 and PM2.5 in China

Sci. Total Environ., 945, 174066 , ISBN: 0048-9697


Luttkus, M. L., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Wolke, R., Herrmann, H., Tegen, I.

Urban and Remote cheMistry modELLing with the new chemical mechanism URMELL: Part I gas-phase mechanism development

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 4, 164-189


Mahecha, M. D., Bastos, A., Bohn, F. J., Eisenhauer, N., Feilhauer, H., Hickler, T., Kalesse-Los, H., Migliavacca, M., Otto, F. E. L., Peng, J., Sippel, S., Tegen, I., Weigelt, A., Wendisch, M., Wirth, C., Al-Halbouni, D., Deneke, H., Doktor, D., Dunker, S., Duveiller, G., Ehrlich, A., Foth, A., García-García, A., Guerra, C. A., Guimarães-Steinicke, C., Hartmann, H., Henning, S., Herrmann, H., Hu, P., Ji, C., Kattenborn, T., Kolleck, N., Kretschmer, M., Kühn, I., Luttkus, M. L., Maahn, M., Mönks, M., Mora, K., Pöhlker, M., Reichstein, M., Rüger, N., Sánchez-Parra, B., Schäfer, M., Stratmann, F., Tesche, M., Wehner, B., Wieneke, S., Winkler, A., Wolf, S., Zaehle, S., Zscheischler, J., Quaas, J.

Biodiversity and climate extremes: Known interactions and research gaps

Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF003963 , ISBN: Online ISSN:2328-4277 Print ISSN:2328-4277


Mayer, L., Degrendele, C., Šenk, P., Kohoutek, J., Přibylová, P., Kukučka, P., Melymuk, L., Durand, A., Ravier, S., Alastuey, A., Baker, A. R., Baltensperger, U., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Biermann, T., Bohlin-Nizzetto, P., Ceburnis, D., Conil, S., Couret, C., Degórska, A., Diapouli, E., Eckhardt, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Forster, G. L., Freier, K., Gheusi, F., Gini, M. I., Hellén, H., Henne, S., Herrmann, H., Šmejkalová, A. H., Hõrrak, U., Hüglin, C., Junninen, H., Kristensson, A., Langrene, L., Levula, J., Lothon, M., Ludewig, E., Makkonen, U., Matejovičová, J., Mihalopoulos, N., Mináriková, V., Moche, W., Noe, S. M., Pérez, N., Petäjä, T., Pont, V., Poulain, L., Quivet, E., Ratz, G., Rehm, T., Reimann, S., Simmons, I., Sonke, J. E., Sorribas, M., Spoor, R., Swart, D. P. J., Vasilatou, V., Wortham, H., Yela, M., Zarmpas, P., Zellweger Fäsi, C., Tørseth, K., Laj, P., Klánová, J., Lammel, G.

Widespread pesticide distribution in the European atmosphere questions their degradability in air

Environ. Sci. Technol., 58, 3342-3352


Mekic, M., Herrmann, H.

Novel Techniques in Quantifying Microplastics in Atmospheric Particles

Fomba, K. W., Fankam, B. T., Mellouki, A., Westervelt, D. M., Giordano, M. R. (Ed.), In: Advances in air quality research in Africa : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Air Quality in Africa (ICAQ’Africa 2022), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 51-53, (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) : IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development) , ISBN: ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-031-53524-6 ISBN 978-3-031-53525-3 (eBook)


Quaye, D. T., Fomba, K. W., Kaboré, N., Herrmann, H.

Impact of Mineral Dust on Air Quality: Case Study from Cabo Verde

Fomba, K. W., Fankam, B. T., Mellouki, A., Westervelt, D. M., Giordano, M. R. (Ed.), In: Advances in air quality research in Africa : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Air Quality in Africa (ICAQ’Africa 2022), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 47-50, (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) : IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development) , ISBN: ISSN 2522-8714 ISSN 2522-8722 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-031-53524-6 ISBN 978-3-031-53525-3 (eBook)


Salta, Z., Schaefer, T., Tasinato, N., Kieninger, M., Katz, A., Herrmann, H., Ventura, O. N.

Energetics of the OH radical H‑abstraction reactions from simple aldehydes and their geminal diol forms

J. Mol. Model., 30, 253 , ISBN: Electronic ISSN 0948-5023 Print ISSN 1610-2940


van Pinxteren, D., Engelhardt, V., Mothes, F., Poulain, L., Fomba, K. W., Spindler, G., Cuesta-Mosquera, A., Tuch, T., Müller, T., Wiedensohler, A., Löschau, G., Bastian, S., Herrmann, H.

Residential wood combustion in Germany: A twin-site study of local village contributions to particulate pollutants and their potential health effects

ACS Environ. Au, 4, 12-30



Atabakhsh, S., Poulain, L., Chen, G., Canonaco, F., Prévôt, A. S. H., Pöhlker, M., Wiedensohler, A., Herrmann, H.

A 1-year aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) source analysis of organic aerosol particle contributions from anthropogenic sources after long-range transport at the TROPOS research station Melpitz

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 6963-6988


Berndt, T., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Stratmann, F., Herrmann, H.

Direct sulfuric acid formation from the gas-phase oxidation of reduced-sulfur compounds

Nat. Commun., 14, 4849


Borrás, E., Herrmann, H., Kalberer, M., Muñoz, A., Mutzel, A., Vera, T., Wenger, J.

Sampling for offline analysis

Doussin, J.-F., Fuchs, H., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Seakins, P., Wenger, J. (Ed.), In: A practical guide to atmospheric simulation chambers, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, p. 207-240 (Chapter 6) , ISBN: ISBN 978-3-031-22276-4 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-3-031-22277-1 (eBook)


Bredeck, G., Busch, M., Rossi, A., Stahlmecke, B., Fomba, K. W., Herrmann, H., Schins, R. P. F.

Inhalable Saharan dust induces oxidative stress, NLRP3 inflammasome activation, and inflammatory cytokine release

Environ. Internat., 172, 107732


Dalton, E. Z., Hoffmann, E. H., Schaefer, T., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H., Raff, J. D.

Daytime atmospheric halogen cycling through aqueous-phase oxygen atom chemistry

J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 145, 15652-15657


Gong, K., Ao, J., Li, K., Liu, L., Liu, Y., Xu, G., Wang, T., Cheng, H., Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Wei, H., George, C., Mellouki, A., Herrmann, H., Wang, L., Chen, J., Ji, M., Zhang, L., Francisco, J. S.

Imaging of pH distribution inside individual microdroplet by stimulated Raman microscopy

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (PNAS), 120, e2219588120


Guo, J., Zhang, X., Gao, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, M., Xue, W., Herrmann, H., Brasseur, G. P., Wang, T.

Evolution of ozone pollution in China: What track will it follow?

Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 109-117


Hell, M., van Pinxteren, D., Herrmann, H.

Aussagekraft kontinuierlicher Messungen von kohlenstoffhaltigen Ozon-Vorläuferstoffen (4. Zwischenbericht)

Report , ISBN: Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (LfULG), Projekt „Ozon-Vorläuferstoffe“

Jiang, Y., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Aiyuk, M. B. E., Andersen, S. T., Wen, L., van Pinxteren, M., Shen, H., Xue, L., Wang, W., Herrmann, H.

Insights into NOx and HONO chemistry in the tropical marine boundary layer at Cape Verde during the MarParCloud campaign

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 128, e2023JD038865


Kecorius, S., Hoffmann, E. H., Tilgner, A., Barrientos-Velasco, C., van Pinxteren, M., Zeppenfeld, S., Vogl, T., Madueño, L., Lovrić, M., Wiedensohler, A., Kulmala, M., Paasonen, P., Herrmann, H.

Rapid growth of Aitken-mode particles during Arctic summer by fog chemical processing and its implication

PNAS Nexus, 2, 1-11 (pgad 124)


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