Müller, D., Wagner, F., Althausen, D., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.

Physical properties of the Indian aerosol plume derived from 6-wavelength lidar observations on 25 March 1999 of the Indian Ocean Experiment

Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1403-1406

Wandinger, U., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Franke, K., Ansmann, A.

Characterization of tropospheric aerosol particles from multiwavelength lidar measurements

5th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Adelaide, Australia, 4-8 December, 205-207

Wandinger, U., Turner, D., Whiteman, D., Wulfmeyer, V.

Raman lidar studies of water vapor: A joint review

5th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Adelaide, Australia, 4-8 December, 21


Althausen, D., Müller, D., Wagner, F., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.

Measurements with a multiwavelength lidar during LACE 98

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Prague, Czech Republic, 6-10 September

Böckmann, C., Wandinger, U., Müller, D.

Inversion of aerosol particle properties from multiwavelength lidar measurements

10th International Workshop on Multiple Scattering Experiments (MUSCLE 10), University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 19-22 April, 218-226

Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.

Microphysical particle parameters from extinction and backscatter lidar data by inversion with regularization: Simulation

Appl. Optics, 38, 2358-2368

Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.

Microphysical particle parameters from extinction and backscatter lidar data by inversion with regularization: Theory

Appl. Optics, 38, 2346-2357

Müller, D., Franke, K., Wandinger, U., Wagner, F., Althausen, D., Ansmann, A.

Radiative impact of pollution outbreaks from India and comparison to southern-hemispheric conditions based on measurements with a 6-wavelength lidar at the Maldives

AGU 1999 Fall Meeting, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco, California, USA, 13-17 December, 80, F161-F162

Wandinger, U.

Multiwavelength lidar measurements of spectral extinction and backscatter coefficients for the inversion of particle properties

10th International Workshop on Multiple Scattering Experiments (MUSCLE 10), University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 19-22 April, Workshop Programme Received Abstracts, 31

Wandinger, U.

Recent aerosol characterization studies of European and Asian aerosols with a multiwavelength aerosol Raman lidar

Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Optical Society of America, Santa Barbara, 21-25 June, Conference Edition, Technical Digest, 154-156


Althausen, D., Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.


Symposium Physik für die Umwelt, 62. Physikertagung, Verhandlungen der DPG, Regensburg, 23.-27.März, 33, 1079

Ansmann, A., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Mattis, I., Wagner, F., Wandinger, U.

Role of Lidar in climate-related aerosol characterization experiments

19th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), NASA/CP-1998-207671, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 7-10

Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Jäger, H., Wandinger, U.

Stratospheric aerosol monitoring with Lidar: Conventional backscatter versus Raman Lidar observations of Pinatubo aerosol

Contr. Atmos. Phys., 71, 213-222

Bösenberg, J., Alpers, M., Böckmann, C., Jäger, H., Matthias, V., Trickl, T., Wandinger, U., Wiegner, M.

A lidar network for the establishment of an aerosol climatology

19th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), NASA/CP-1998-207671, Annapolis, 23-24

Mattis, I., Wandinger, U., Müller, D., Ansmann, A., Althausen, D.

Routine dual-wavelength Raman lidar observations at Leipzig as part of an aerosol lidar network in Germany

19th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), NASA/CP-1998-207671, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 29-32

Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Althausen, D., Mattis, I., Ansmann, A.

Retrieval of physical particle properties from lidar observations of extinction and backscatter at multiple wavelengths

Appl. Optics, 37, 2260-2263

Müller, D., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Althausen, D.

Retrieval of physical properties of atmospheric particles by inversion via regularization in the limit of a small optical data set

Signal Recovery and Synthesis, OSA Technical Digest, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 11, 133-135

Wandinger, U.

Multiple-scattering influence on extinction- and backscatter-coefficient measurements with Raman and high-spectral-resolution lidars

Appl. Optics, 37, 417-427

Wandinger, U., Mattis, I., Ansmann, A., Arshinov, Y., Bobrovnikov, S., Serikov, I.

Tropospheric temperature profiling based on detection of stokes and anti-stokes rotational Raman lines at 532 nm

19th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), NASA/CP-1998-207671, Annapolis, 297-299


Ansmann, A., Neuber, R., Rairoux, P., Wandinger, U. (Eds.)

Advances in atmospheric remote sensing with lidar : Selected papers of the 18th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Berlin, 22–26 July 1996

xxi, 590 pp., Springer, Berlin , ISBN: ISBN 978-3-540-61887-4


Ansmann, A., Riebesell, M., Wandinger, U., Weitkamp, C., Voss, E., Lahmann, W., Michaelis, W.

Combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for vertical profiling of moisture, aerosol extinction, backscatter, and lidar ratio

Grant, W. B., Browell, E. V., Menzies, R. T., Sassen, K., She, C.-Y. (Ed.), In: Laser Applications in Remote Sensing, SPIE Milestone Series, MS 141, p. 690

Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Wandinger, U., Wagner, F., Reichardt, J.

Evolution of the Pinatubo aerosol: Raman lidar observations of particle optical depth, effective radius, mass and surface area over central Europe at 53.4° N

J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2630-2641

Müller, D., Althausen, D., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A.

Multiple-wavelength aerosol lidar

Ansmann, A., Neuber, R., Rairoux, P., Wandinger, U. (Ed.), In: Advances in atmospheric remote sensing with lidar, Springer, Berlin, p. 63-66

Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Reichardt, J., Deshler, T.

Determination of stratospheric-aerosol microphysical properties from independent extinction and backscattering measurements with a Raman lidar

Grant, W. B., Browell, E. V., Menzies, R. T., Sassen, K., She, C.-Y. (Ed.), In: Laser Applications in Remote Sensing, SPIE Milestone Series, MS 141, p. 690


Ansmann, A., Wagner, F., Wandinger, U., Mattis, I., Goersdorf, Reichardt, J.

Pinatubo aerosol and stratospheric ozone reduction

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 101, 18775-18785

Reichardt, J., Wandinger, U., Serwazi, M., Weitkamp, C.

Combined Raman lidar for aerosol, ozone and moisture measurements

Opt. Eng., 35, 1457-1465

Wandinger, U.

Raman-lidar, HSRL and DIAL techniques: Principles and multiple-scattering problems

8th International Workshop on Multiple Scattering Lidar Experiments (MUSCLE 8), Quebec, Canada, 93-97


Posse, P., Hoyningen-Huene von, W., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Reichardt, J.

Closure studies based on column and profile observations of Pinatubo-aerosol properties with sun photometer and Raman lidar

European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Helsinki, Finland, 8-22 September

Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Reichardt, J., Deshler, T.

Determination of stratospheric-aerosol microphysical properties from independent extinction and backscattering measurements with a Raman lidar

Appl. Optics, 34, 8315-8329

Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Wagner, F., Reichardt, J., Serwazi, M., Görsdorf, U.

Raman-lidar measurements of particle surface-area concentration in the stratosphere after the Mount-Pinatubo eruption

European Symposium on Optics for Environmental and Public Safety; Conference on Pollution of the Troposphere and Stratosphere, Exchange of Air Masses and Related Monitoring, Proc. SPIE, München, June 19-23, 2506, 407-415

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