Mutzel, A., Rodigast, M., Iinuma, Y., Böge, O., Herrmann, H.

An improved method for the quantification of SOA bound peroxides (Technical note)

Atmos. Environ., 67, 365-369


Rasch, F., Birmili, W., Weinhold, K., Nordmann, S., Sonntag, A., Spindler, G., Herrmann, H., Wiedensohler, A., Löschau, G.

Signifikante Minderung von Ruß und Anzahl ultrafeiner Partikel in Außenluft als Folge der Umweltzone in Leipzig (Significant reduction of ambient black carbon and particle number in Leipzig as a result of the low emission zone)

Gefahrst. Reinhalt. L., 73, 483-489

Renner, E., Scheinhardt, S., Spindler, G., Müller, K., Iinuma, Y., Grüner, A., Herrmann, H.

Abschätzung der größenaufgelösten Partikelkonzentration und -zusammensetzung anhand wetterlagenorientierter experimenteller Messungen - Abschlussbericht REGKLAM

Report, 57

Scheinhardt, S., Müller, K., Spindler, G., Herrmann, H.

Complexation of trace metals in size-segregated aerosol particles at nine sites in Germany

Atmos. Environ., 74, 102-109


Scheinhardt, S., Spindler, G., Leise, S., Müller, K., Iinuma, Y., Zimmermann, F., Matschullat, J., Herrmann, H.

Comprehensive chemical characterisation of size-segregated PM10 in Dresden and estimation of changes due to global warming

Atmos. Environ., 75, 365-373


Scheinhardt, S., van Pinxteren, D., Müller, K., Spindler, G., Herrmann, H.

Hydroxymethanesulfonic acid in size-segregated aerosol particles at nine sites in Germany

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4531-4538


Schindelka, J., Iinuma, Y., Hoffmann, D., Herrmann, H.

Sulfate radical-initiated formation of isoprene-derived organosulfates in atmospheric aerosols

Faraday Discuss., 165, 237-259


Spindler, G., Grüner, A., Müller, K., Schlimper, S., Herrmann, H.

Long-time size-segregated particle (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) characterization study at Melpitz - Influence of air mass inflow, weather conditions and season

J. Atmos. Chem., 70, 165-195


Tilgner, A., Bräuer, P., Wolke, R., Herrmann, H.

Modelling multiphase chemistry in deliquescent aerosols and clouds using CAPRAM3.0i

J. Atmos. Chem., 70, 221-256


van Pinxteren, M., Herrmann, H.

Glyoxal and methylglyoxal in Atlantic seawater and marine aerosol particles: Method development and first application during the Polarstern cruise ANT XXVII/4

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11791–11802


Wang, W., Iinuma, Y., Kahnt, A., Ryabtsova, O., Mutzel, A., Vermeylen, R., van der Veken, P., Maenhaut, W., Herrmann, H., Claeys, M.

Formation of secondary organic aerosol tracers from the photooxidation of isoprene and isoprene-derived alkene diols under low-NOx conditions

Faraday Discuss., 165, 261-272


Weller, C., Horn, S., Herrmann, H.

Effects of Fe(III)-concentration, speciation, excitation-wavelength and light intensity on the quantum yield of iron(III)-oxalato complex photolysis

J. Photoch. Photobio. A, 255, 41-49


Weller, C., Horn, S., Herrmann, H.

Photolysis of Fe(III) carboxylato complexes: Fe(II) quantum yields and reaction mechanisms

J. Photoch. Photobio. A, 268, 24-36


Wolke, R., Schrödner, R., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H.

The influence of cloud chemical processes on the formation of secondary particulate matter

33rd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM 2013), Miami, Florida, USA, 26-30 August 2013

Wu, Z., Birmili, W., Poulain, L., Merkel, M., Fahlbusch, B., van Pinxteren, D., Herrmann, H., Wiedensohler, A.

Particle hygroscopicity during atmospheric new particle formation events: Implications for the chemical species contributing to particle growth

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 6637-6646 , ISBN: 1680-7316


Wu, Z. J., Poulain, L., Henning, S., Dieckmann, K., Birmili, W., Merkel, M., van Pinxteren, D., Spindler, G., Müller, K., Stratmann, F., Herrmann, H., Wiedensohler, A.

Relating particle hygroscopicity and CCN activity to chemical composition during the HCCT-2010 field campaign

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 7983-7996 , ISBN: 1680-7316



Berndt, T., Jokinen, T., Mauldin III, R. L., Petäjä, T., Herrmann, H., Junninen, H., Paasonen, P., Worsnop, D. R., Sipilä, M.

Gas-phase ozonolysis of selected olefins: The yield of stabilized criegee intermediate and the reactivity toward SO2

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, 2892-2896


Dupart, Y., King, S. M., Nekat, B., Nowak, A., Wiedensohler, A., Herrmann, H., David, G., Thomas, B., Miffre, A., Rairoux, P., D´Anna, B., George, C.

Mineral dust photochemistry induces nucleation events in the presence of SO2

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (PNAS), 109, 20842-20847


Kristensen, T. B., Wex, H., Nekat, B., Nøjgaard, J. K., van Pinxteren, D., Lowenthal, D. H., Mazzoleni, L. R., Dieckmann, K., Bender Koch, C., Mentel, T. F., Herrmann, H., Hallar, A. G., Stratmann, F., Bilde, M.

Hygroscopic growth and CCN activity of HULIS from different environments

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 117, D22203


Ma, N., Zhao, C. S., Müller, T., Cheng, Y. F., Liu, P. F., Deng, Z. Z., Xu, W. Y., Ran, L., Nekat, B., van Pinxteren, D., Gnauk, T., Müller, K., Herrmann, H., Yan, P., Zhou, X. J., Wiedensohler, A.

A new method to determine the mixing state of light absorbing carbonaceous using the measured aerosol optical properties and number size distributions

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 2381-2397 , ISBN: 1680-7316


Monge, M. E., Rosenørn, T., Favez, O., Müller, M., Adler, G., Riziq, A. A., Rudich, Y., Herrmann, H., George, C., D´Anna, B.

Alternative pathway for atmospheric particles growth

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (PNAS), 109, 6840-6844


Müller, K., Spindler, G., van Pinxteren, D., Gnauk, T., Iinuma, Y., Brüggemann, E., Herrmann, H.

Ultrafine and fine particles in the atmosphere - Sampling, chemical characterization and sources

Chem. Ing. Tech., 84, 1-8


Nielsen, C. J., Herrmann, H., Weller, C.

Atmospheric chemistry and environmental impact of the use of amines in carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Chem. Soc. Rev., 41, 6684-6704


Schaefer, T., Schindelka, J., Hoffmann, D., Herrmann, H.

Laboratory kinetic and mechanistic studies on the OH-initiated oxidation of acetone in aqueous solution

J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, 6317-6326


Scheinhardt, S., Spindler, G., Müller, K., Iinuma, Y., Grüner, A., Leise, S., Zimmermann, F., Matschullat, J., Herrmann, H.

Abschätzung der größenaufgelösten Partikelkonzentration und -zusammensetzung anhand wetterlagenorientierter experimenteller Messungen – Ergebnisbericht zu REGKLAM-Teilprojekt 2.2b

Report, 57

Spiegel, J. K., Aemisegger, F., Scholl, M., Wienhold, F. G., Collett Jr., J. L., Lee, T., van Pinxteren, D., Mertes, S., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H., Werner, R. A., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W.

Stable water isotopologue ratios in fog and cloud droplets of liquid clouds are not size-dependent

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9855-9863


Spiegel, J. K., Aemisegger, F., Scholl, M., Wienhold, F. G., Collett Jr., J. L., Lee, T., van Pinxteren, D., Mertes, S., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H., Werner, R. A., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W.

Temporal evolution of stable water isotopologues in cloud droplets in a hill cap cloud in central Europe (HCCT-2010)

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11679-11694


Spindler, G., Gnauk, T., Grüner, A., Iinuma, Y., Müller, K., Scheinhardt, S., Herrmann, H.

Size-segregated characterization of PM10 at the EMEP site Melpitz (Germany) using a five-stage impactor: A six year study

J. Atmos. Chem., 69, 127-157 , ISBN: 0167-7764


van Pinxteren, D., Teich, M., Herrmann, H.

Hollow fibre liquid-phase microextraction of functionalised carboxylic acids from atmospheric particles combined with capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometric analysis

J. Chromatogr. A, 1267, 178-188


van Pinxteren, M., Müller, C., Iinuma, Y., Stolle, C., Herrmann, H.

Chemical characterization of dissolved organic compounds from coastal sea surface microlayers (Baltic Sea, Germany)

Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 10455–10462


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