ORCESTRA: Half-time for the tropical cloud experiment

Hamburg, 04.09.2024

Press release by Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M).



MPI-M researchers and their partner institutions are currently performing atmospheric measurements over the equatorial Atlantic with eight coordinated measurement campaigns. They want to find out what controls the structure of the tropical rain belt, how it will change in the future and what this means for weather patterns. A variety of state-of-the-art research platforms are being used for the measurements – from ships to satellites.

In the ORCESTRA-CLARINET (CLoud and Aerosol Remote sensing for EarThcare) sub-project, TROPOS researchers are using the new ACTRIS remote sensing station of the Cabo Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) at the Ocean Science Centre in Mindelo (OSCM) to validate EarthCARE data in the tropical Atlantic and compare it with long-term measurements.

More about ORCESTRA via MPI-M: https://mpimet.mpg.de/en/communication/news/orcestra-half-time-for-the-tropical-cloud-experiment


Tropical clouds. Photo: B. Stevens, MPI-M
