A belowground perspective on the nexus between biodiversity change, climate change, and human well‐being
The implementation of dust mineralogy in COSMO5.05-MUSCAT
Urban and Remote cheMistry modELLing with the new chemical mechanism URMELL: Part I gas-phase mechanism development
Biodiversity and climate extremes: Known interactions and research gaps
Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources
Dustonly/Dustonly: v1.0 (v1.0) (Zenodo)
Course material for "ComputerLab - Atmospheric models: Scales and parameterizations", University Leipzig (Version v2023,1) [Data set]
Dataset associated with Senf et al. (2023): "How the extreme 2019-2020 Australian wildfire affected global circulation and adjustments" (Version v1.0.submission) [Data set]
How the extreme 2019–2020 Australian wildfires affected global circulation and adjustments
Atmospheric and surface processes, and feedback mechanisms determining arctic amplification: A review of first results and prospects of the (AC)3 Project
Important role of stratospheric injection height for the distribution and radiative forcing of smoke aerosol from the 2019–2020 Australian wildfires
Global cycling and climate effects of aeolian dust controlled by biological soil crusts
The global atmosphere-aerosol model ICON-A-HAM2.3–Initial model evaluation and effects of radiation balance tuning on aerosol optical thickness
Atmospheric dynamics and numerical simulations of six frontal dust storms in the Middle East region
Data for paper publication 'Extreme 2019-2020 Australian wildfires substantially perturbed Earth's radiation budget' (Version v1.0) [Data set]
Data for paper publication 'Important role of stratospheric injection height for the distribution and radiative forcing of smoke aerosol from the 2019/2020 Australian wildfires' (Version v2.0) [Data set]
The importance of the representation of DMS oxidation in global chemistry-climate simulations
Absorbing aerosol decreases cloud cover in cloud-resolving simulations over Germany
Course Material for "ComputerLab - Atmospheric models: Scales and Parameterizations“, University Leipzig (Zenodo)
Constraining the impact of dust-driven droplet freezing on climate using cloud-top-phase observations
Hemispheric and seasonal contrast in cloud thermodynamic phase from A‐Train spaceborne instruments
Climate and air quality impacts due to mitigation of non-methane near-term climate forcers
Modelling mineral dust emissions and atmospheric dispersion with MADE3 in EMAC v2.54
Natural sea-salt emissions moderate the climate forcing of anthropogenic nitrate
Detection and attribution of aerosol-cloud interactions in large-domain large-eddy simulations with the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model
Estimation of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations and comparison to in situ and lidar observations during the HOPE experiments
Characterization of organic aerosol across the global remote troposphere: A comparison of ATom measurements and global chemistry models
Coupling aerosols to (cirrus) clouds in the global EMAC-MADE3 aerosol–climate model
PalMod-2-4 : Schlussbericht PalMod-2-4 : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.08.2015-31.07.2019
Variability of cosmogenic 35S in rain – Resulting implications for the use of radiosulfur as natural groundwater residence time tracer